Thursday, February 24, 2022


With the Biden-led imminent decline of Western and American Civilization, it occurred to me that it was time to, at least temporarily, resurrect this blog as a place where I could rant.  As I have noted previously, being "behind the lines" means I get great intel on the thinking of our domestic enemies, it also means I have to moderate my rants.  It is a delicate balance of being sure people know what you think, without saying so much that you get taken out.  A hard one for me, as conflict is motivational, but infiltration is useful.


This has to start with a caveat: I have no reason to believe that Biden actually won election. Perhaps this stems from my complete disbelief that anyone in their right mind would vote for him. Terrible to say, since I know several people who are close to me who I have no doubt did so. Any one who does not at least entertain the possibility, given all the irregularities, that the election was stolen is either stupid or does not care since their candidate won.  Sad to think that people would prefer the destruction of an institution over a fair election. But that seems to be the times in which we live.  They have no problem with crime or immorality, as long as its their crime and their immorality.

That being said:  I hope you people who did vote for Biden are happy with the mess you have made.  Yes, YOU.  I am sure you see a rosy world where no mean tweets are to be had.  I am sure you think that is well worth the price of $4 gas, empty shelves and over-priced goods. Surely this is a case were correlation seems to strongly imply causation.  Add in the many debacles around the world, most notably the abysmal withdrawal from Afghanistan and now the mishandling of the Urkaine situation.  This doddering old fool you people thought could be a POTUS is an abject failure.  If you do not have buyer's remorse, then you are dumb as a rock.

So, how do you think Joe and his allies are going to handle the upcoming trucker convoy headed his way.  Will he Trudeau them?  Will you all join him in shouting "insurrection" as loud as possible? How do you think that is going to go over? Do you really want to find out?

These are, indeed, dark times.

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Snowflakes fallling on my head.

As I have duly noted previously, I work "behind the lines" in academia. Not that I was always "behind the lines" but over the past 2 decades the lines have moved while I have not - hence while I am still standing where I always have, I am now in "no man's land."

In spite of that I am open about my thoughts and positions.  I keep gun-rights-supporting pictures and quotes in my office window. One is a "Gun Owners of America" sign.  The other was this one, which I assume was the issue (to be described shortly):

But, back to my story:  So, the other morning, the Department Chair comes to see me. We engage in some small talk, as we have known each other for a long time. Then the chair asks if I would remove some of the pictures from my window. I ask "Which ones specifically?" knowing the answer, and the chair notes "The ones about guns."  I note that this seems to violate some of my rights and that I always try to push the boundaries. The chair agrees, we share a moment bemoaning young students these days and I note that I will do so in order to keep the chair's ass out of the fire.

Of course, it won't be long before I start sneaking them back up. I don't expect it to change any minds or to make any real difference - I just think it is important for them to know that not everyone agrees with them. In the meantime, I have put these in their place: